Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Biggest Race

Originally posted February 12, 2008

The race with Lance was just child's play. This week I, prepare diligently for the toughest race I have ever signed up for, 24 hours in the Old Pueblo, Tucson, AZ. The last 24 hour race I did back on Oct 20 was tough, don't get me wrong. But it was a learning experience. I was figuring out what 24 hour racing was all about. I felt the pain, and then I dealt it. The human body is such a resilient thing, usually more resilient than the mind. These races are about mental toughness, preparedness, and heart. This go round, I'm up against world class athletes, most notably Tinker Juarez .He is arguably as famous to mountain biking as Lance is to road biking. He won't be the only one pushing me to the absolute limit. There are 135 people in my category total. I didn't get to train as hard over the winter as I wanted to due to a nagging knee injury, but despite my fitness doubts I remain optimistic and feel healthy. You better believe I've got the Eye of the Tiger with me, and you better believe I'm shooting for a podium finish. I will be traveling with teammates Jay and Nick, who are signed up with two other teammates out west for a pretty bad ass 4 man team. They're gunnin for a top ten. Keep us in your thoughts as we depart TX Thursday evening and return Monday afternoon.
Long Live Long Rides

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